We have a lot to be thankful for. Here we are in the season of the harvest. Fruit and vegetables are in bountiful supply. With a little bit of labor, much can be preserved for winter. Hunting season is also upon us and the fresh fallen snow makes tracking easier. Just a few days ago, Art Dog got his first bear. I will have to put a photo up on one of the next posts. Also, my in laws have made their yearly visit here. Its been an enjoyable time. They love spending time with our kids and our kids love spending time with them. Time is the best gift they could ever give. Its a precious commodity, and there is no other way to truly impart the legacy of oneself into future generations.
We started out the visit with a trip to the big city, which I have blogged about below. Since then, we've taken many hikes together, enjoyed lots of good food and done a variety of other activities. The past few evenings, the kids have played "pitch" with them long after I couldn't keep my eyes open. Today, they went into a near by town to visit with their youngest son.
Being grateful is very important. It's a tool which helps define our position in this life. Jealousy, discontentment and eyes that lust for more also help to define who we are. We can build a strong tower and enforce it supernaturally, or we can tear down its very existence along with everything around it. Much of who we become, what we possess and how we possess it lie in these seemingly insignificant principles. In short, attitudes that seem insignificant today, will redirect the course of our lives tomorrow and even this afternoon. Thankfulness is one of the most powerful tools you can possibly arm yourself with.
Colossians 2:6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, 7rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.
8See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
I believe you are right about thankfulness. Thank you for sharing. So glad you all are having such a blessed visit.
Your little one looks pretty comfortable on her feet! Watch out! Oh, no we aren't switching churches, that was 10 years ago, it's just we are getting lots of traffic coming to our church from the elca church since their vote. I really enjoy your blog.
Congratulations, Art Dog!
It's nice to see a pic of your new carpet!
I like how you said that our attitudes today will define who we are tomorrow--that's very profound and very good!
You give just a great reminder that we should be counting our blessings at night instead of counting sheep!
You do a great job of counting yours!
blessings and hugs,
Always so much excitement around your place, girl! "Lions and tigers and BEARS, oh my!" =D
Love the green hats. Thanks for your sweet words to me during that craziness... you blessed me, girl.
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