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Live Richly, Live Free. Embrace All The Blessings From Our Creator and Marvel in His Creation.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Hot Tub Folliculitis and Other Maladies

Its Hard To Discipline Moonbeam with "Baby Jail" When Art Dog Has Pity On Her!

A wet fog clung to the air as Super Catman and I made our way down the damp road. The golden colors of the trees and the thick mist upon the mountains portrayed its own kind of beauty. Surely we live in one of the most enchanting places on the face of the earth. Not long after Super Catman nearly missed me with his bike, we saw something a little eerie. A wide pool of blood emerged in the middle of the road. Near it were drag marks into the bushes. Most likely some one shot a deer and gutted it here, but we couldn't be sure. Its not uncommon for city hunters, fearful of bears, to gut their deer on the road. Unfortunately, the blood and gut piles attract predators which makes it a little less safe for us to be out there. We kept a wary eye as I jogged along, trying to keep from stepping in it. I was relieved when I'd ran my 4 miles and Super Catman pulled into the driveway with his bike.
Yesterday we had our girls accountability group at Mists house. It was good to see each other again and we all had a lot to talk about. Mist and Elasta Woman both got their bucks already and they were thrilled about having the meat supply for winter. Goat Girl and I smiled big when we heard the stories. Mist is cute as can be and due for that little one to come next month already. Mist's Sister-in-law and family, missionaries to Kashmir, are also getting ready to make a trip to the USA. Stories of Missionaries, hunting, children and babies, and "God Sightings" burst an air of energy all around the room. Prayer was followed by Artisan Bread and warm, steamy vegetable soup.
In other news, I have survived into my 3rd day of clean eating. It hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be. I had to pass up brownies, cheese cake and other "good snacks" at home. At the hospital, Int'l Vanilla Creamer and trick or treat mini candy bars called my name. As difficult as all that was, I did manage to resist all of their seducing pleas for me to eat them. On the up side, I feel like I have come out of a (dietary) fog into the light. Really, I do. After just a couple of days I have an incredible amount of energy. Last night, I had a cup of coffee sweetened with honey early on in my shift. Normally, I would have had one or two more before the night was through but I didn't even need them. I wish I could get it through to myself how much happier I am and how much better I feel when I eat right. Do you notice a difference in clarity, energy and general well being when you eat clean?
As for the maladies, well they are here too, lurking. One of them is breeding in the cesspool swamp that I call my hot tub. Its none other than the "Hot Tub Folliculitis" malady, a bacteria that grows in hot tubs. Actually, it infects follicles, causing a mostly localized reaction. Sock Fashion Expert, Super Catman and I all have the rash. Once I researched the crud, it was a rather disturbing enlightenment. For the time being, my hot tub is under "quarantine" and "shock" treatment as the chemicals wage a full scale attack. My other malady has been that I've been a little too focused on Hawaii. Its time to put the thing in God's hands now and rest knowing if it's really His will, He can bring it to pass.

In light of these ponderings, I suppose I shall possibly take refuge back in my plastic container bath tub which has been quite lonely as of late. I wish you, all my bloggie buddies, well :-)

1 comment:

from MN said...

I have seen the photo of your hot tub in your basement, and I have a suggestion. Perhaps you should think about making some screens of some sort to put around the hot tub and you can put tropical pictures on them to create ambience and to keep your dream alive. Sounds like work, but with a few old closet doors or some scrap lumber and some hinges it wouldn't be too hard and might even be fun! :)