Me-Dolphin goddess-Mist and company
Mist's first time out since she had the baby - can you see her cute little package on front?
What can happen to my living room on any given day........
The other day, Moonbeam informed me that she was going to go "potty". I was rather pleased and surprised, because thus far, she has wanted NOTHING to do with her potty frog in the way of potty training. She proceeded to place her potty frog inside her Barbie tent...."okay" i thought... "this looks promising".............
The other day, Moonbeam informed me that she was going to go "potty". I was rather pleased and surprised, because thus far, she has wanted NOTHING to do with her potty frog in the way of potty training. She proceeded to place her potty frog inside her Barbie tent...."okay" i thought... "this looks promising".............
After that she stripped down to buck naked...... (another good sign)...... Her tent became very quiet and she eventually came out furiously chewing on something. I asked her what she was chewing. She told me "chewing bum" which I assumed was "gum". The only problem was she didn't have any access to gum...............
I stopped what I was doing on the computer and looked inside the tent. The potty frog was sadly empty, but she had peed on top of her pile of clothes. Then I asked her if I could see her gum. It was a wad of toilet paper..........................ewwww!!
I started another couple of shifts today. Since my birthday is tomorrow during my stretch of 12 hr nights, The Sock Fashion Expert made me a decadent 4 layer chocolate and whipped cream cake yesterday. It was so beautiful!! My husband and the Archer were gone all day helping his brother cut wood, but they made it home for the party that evening. I was excited that the swim wear of my dreams package arrived in time for the festivities. The other gift was Super Catman's beloved box cutter which he graciously bequeathed me wrapped in crumpled newspaper. Can't wait to wear my new swim wear on my birthday/Christmas gift outing. My husband promised to take me on a greatly anticipated surprise outing. All I know is that it involves a hot spring. I can barely stand the anticipation, but he won't let me ask any questions about where or when it will happen. The suspense is almost too much to bear!! We haven't gone anywhere alone for the night since I rented a house boat for our anniversary 6 or 7 years ago.
On Sunday The Archer, The Sock Fashion Expert and Super Catman sang "Strong Tower" in church while SFE played her guitar. It was outstanding. I recorded it but after uploading the video to blogger for 4-5 hours I abandoned the attempt...........
Today I took the younger two on a walk before my shift. I pulled Miss Moona in the sled while Super Catman decided to walk the opposite way of the loop and meet up with me. Upon meeting up with him, he agreed to pull the sled upon informing me that he would convert "to a snow leopard" for the task. He named three other types of cat that he could also convert to should the need arise. I was surprised an amazed at these new super powers and encouraged the snow leopard to pull the sled as far as he wanted to which ended up to be halfway up our drive way. He really worked at it pulling on his hands and feet, sliding backward as he clawed his way up the slippery slope. I almost felt guilty, except that I was an arms distance away from the sled the entire time and I figured that the exercise was probably good for him. Little boys need to feel manly and super human even at eight.................
At least you get out and enjoy the snow! I love looking at it but I don't like getting out into it. Way too cold for me....
Cute picts!
Toilet paper bum, too funny!
It's amazing what type of things the living room can turn into! It looks like they had a good track set up!
Ohh, the suspense. A fun time involving a hot springs, I'm excited for you!
It is handy to have kids that are able to morph into different animals if needed. Mine usually change into something prehistoric and BIG!
Have a great week!
I admire Catman's ability to morph into several kinds of cats at will. :)
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