That phrase tends to disturb him. I'm not for sure why. Possibly because I say it in a corny tone mostly to bug him. I'm so proud that my son is 18 and a fabulous man! Yup! He's all grown, aw shucks! I can truly say I have never known a child to man who has consistently loved and served God like him. He's an inspiration to me. He loves God with all his heart and hears Him in incredible ways. In all the ways I could measure success in raising a child - this would be it. Because He loves God, I have succeeded in passing on the greatly prized supernatural seed of faith.
Today I was feeling a little grumpy. When I got out of bed, my body hurt so bad I wanted to cry. Yesterday Mist, I and another lady who I am considering naming "Skippy Jon Jenn" after my favorite book character "Skippy Jon Jones" ran over 3 miles with me and we walked at least 2. Then I swam the perimeter of our little near by lake with my friend Silverbell. On top of that I hiked in to the lake and out twice because our family went there later on. The kids wanted to play volleyball and I did a little of that with them that day too. As you may imagine, I was and still am a little bit stiff, sore and in need of somebody to ask me why on earth I tried doing all that in one day.
Towering mountains of smelly dishes awaited me this morning. It was my 18 year old's dishes day and I couldn't possibly leave them for him on his birthday. I was making lasagna (my 18 year old's favorite meal). Moonbeam was fussy and dirty. I had to stop to give her a bath in the sink before I could wash the evils lurking on the counter. The floor in there was full of crumbs and needed sweeping. Somebody brought up a dozen water bottles or more that needed washing and most likely needed to be soaked in a disinfecting vinegar solution. A mound of dirty dish rags reminded me I should get the next load of laundry going.
Despite my blaring praise and worship, I felt a bit annoyed and out of sorts. My husband was in the other room reading "Calvin and Hobbes" comics lauging gleefully, oblivious to it all. Don't get me wrong, my husband worked hard today. He just finished a great project that will make us a good income. Its just that at the time he wasn't busy and I was. He wandered into the kitchen to give me some helpful words of advice on my cooking and choice of clothing. Unfortunately, I didn't take it well at all. Some time around then, my daughter wandered into the kitchen "does my butt look big in these jeans?" she asked innocently. My husband and some of the kids had had a grand old time helping her put on an extra pair of jeans over the top of the ones she already had on. Then they stuffed a pillow into the er.... back side laughing hysterically.
This morning when I was praying, I was reminded to have a good attitude while serving my family. Unfortunately I do not always display it. As time went on, Art dog offered to put the lasagna together for me and did a great job. Super Cat man rinsed the bottles after they soaked. I took a leisurely nap while nursing Moonbeam. Then my husband came and got me to take me out on a 4-wheeler ride, just the two of us. The day really turned around fast.
Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Happy Birthday to an amazing young man. You are so blessed.
And "Why on earth did you try doing all that in one day?" lol
You've got more drive than I do, that's for sure!
Happy Birthday to your son, and congrats on 18 years of raising him in the Lord! You are a great storyteller.
Blessed birthday to your son!
And congrats to you & your hubby!
That is my prayer, that my sons will choose Jesus.
I liked how you wrote about your grumpiness. I have grumpy times like you. Glad to know I am not alone.
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