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Live Richly, Live Free. Embrace All The Blessings From Our Creator and Marvel in His Creation.

Friday, March 13, 2009

All in a Days Work

Yesterday, i decided it was time to take the children's pictures again. I promised my 6 year old, "Catman", that he could use his knife and BB gun for props in an attempt to lure him into a good shot. These are not quite the photos I had in mind. "Roberta", one of the locals (who happens to be a deer), has a cynical look on her face. She seems to be saying "take your best shot kid!" As you can see, she was not alarmed in the least bit and refused to leave our yard for the photo shots. **************************************************************************** It occurred to me that my readers may enjoy hearing about the activities covered during a day in my life. Here goes : It's morning, I'm already "behind the 8 ball". My husband has crept out of bed while I was snoring and has already corrected the children's math and started reviewing a lesson with an early bird child. I am about to launch out of bed to begin the day, but the baby senses I am awake and has declared her hunger in no uncertain terms. After providing breakfast for the youngest member of our home, I spring into the kitchen fuzzily. I cook my husband eggs and hash browns (because he wants that every morning)! I set out something to try and "prep" for future meals, but have to start devotions with the family so I can't finish. I read a "Sparkling Gem" from our Rick Renner devotional to the family. I try to encourage the kids to love God, to move in the Gifts of the Spirit, and to stop making farting noises while we are eating. I have not eaten because I was in too much of a hurry, though I have probably provided for the lust of my flesh with a cup of joe. After heartfelt prayer by us all, I move on to a dictionary to challenge the children with spelling words. My 6 year old is in a comatose state on the floor with a blanket. I have bugged all the kids to get out of bed for devotions and they are still waking up. I am aware my husband wants to finish math with the kids and move on with his day so I am trying to hurry them along. I may or may not remember to get some breakfast. I am starting the dryer for the 3rd time because it has to run 2-3 times to get a load dry. I am doing meal preps. I am having my own personal devotion time with God where I have been doing scripture confessions, prayer, reading chapters of a book on how to be a better wife. I agree with some of it wholeheartedly, the other half I despise. I keep forcing myself to read it because I believe there is something to gain from being challenged. The baby is awake, wet and having a bad hair day. My 6 year old is running around the house no longer doing math with his dad. I tell him to get some readers. I am half having a devotions of my own, half nursing a wet baby, and half reading primers with my 6 year old. I remember that I need to call some business regarding some err or something. Someone is asking me why I haven't gotten something done. The hospital calls and asks me to work a day later in the week. All of this has happened before lunch time. My teenager doesn't understand why I am sending him to town to get a photo ID. I re-explain why he needs to make progress toward taking his GED (for the 50th time). He can't take any of the test sections without a photo ID. He can't find his expired permit, which is no good anyway. He would rather be out in the forest hiking and predator calling. Moms are such a drag! I know he loves me because he thanks me again for home schooling him. I feel humbled. My oldest daughter is complaining because I have once again assigned her some type of research report. She thinks this stinks! Why haven't I gotten her jeans washed? She disappears into her bedroom quietly. She has learned that if she is frustrated she would rather disappear than saying something she will regret later. She emerges later and watches the baby so I can get out for a walk. I'm humbled by her change in attitude and how much I depend on her help for my own sanity. My next son, who is 11, has picked up the baby multiple times and handed her to me "to do something with" because she was squawking while I was on the phone or cooking or whatever it is that I am doing. He disappears into his room where I hear him fooling around with my 6 year old. I yell at my 6 year old to get back to the table and get his phonics book started. I ask my 11 year old how much work he has gotten done so far. He reminds me that he was helping with the baby. He always has a smile on his face. He is full of fun and love and imagination. He tries hard to get his work done, but is easily distracted by the chaos going on around him. He trudges down to the basement to try and work in undistracted silence. I am again humbled by his always trying to do the right thing. I assign every one thier daily chores while they are still around. Experience tells me that if I don't, they are off and busy the rest of the day doing other things. There is a chorus of groans. It is now 11:30 and I am on the verge of being "behind the 8 ball" again where lunch is concerned. The family is also concerned "when's lunch?" they all begin to echo......... Since you may be feeling my exhaustion, I will continue this saga after you have had ample time to destress.


Skygirl said...

Hey all those goings on sound similar to my mom!

Ron & Maria said...

yes, sounds very familiar - I thought I was the only one doing 3 things at the same time with half of my self in each of the things! I hope you love your life - it sounds fun! (and exhausting as life is)