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Live Richly, Live Free. Embrace All The Blessings From Our Creator and Marvel in His Creation.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Weight Loss Support Group Pre-Update

It has been a long time since I updated you all on the progress of my women's weight loss and fitness group. In my November post I dazzled you all with our exciting first meeting. Myself, my friend who I have deemed "Silver bell" and another woman who showed up to visit and really wasn't interested in losing weight at all. Well, our pilgrimage continues. We had Agreed upon January as being our official shopping month. The idea of buying some Valentines lingerie was our original intent (as motivation for weight loss), but as the day approached we unanimously settled on more concealing attire. Christmas took it's toll in even our most dedicated members.
Though we had had intent of eating healthy, a Mexican restaurant called our names and we were found to be gorging on the delicacies within. To make matters worse, my good friend Silver bell offered to buy us Burgers and Fries on the way home. It was almost scandalous! We abandoned the idea that the shopping trip had a weight loss agenda at all.
Not to be discouraged, we gained a new member. I will call her Hazel. She's a very dear friend. Though she has the figure most women would kill for, we have embraced her into our group despite this obvious flaw. She is interested in fitness and God and everything else that our group has to offer (other than weight loss). Hazel, Silver bell and I will be meeting this Thursday to commence progress. Silver bell ordered Jenny Craig this week (God rest her soul). I am over half way through my white sugar fast. I have lost 2 lbs per week thus far. Hazel is planning to teach me the essentials of how to go about constructing "sprouts". This is a good method for fresh food when you are living in as remote a place as we do. The idea frightens me, but I will try to be brave.
Sprouts have been attacking me in my sleep again lately. They curl their evil tendrils around my throat as I snore soundly. The jar starts shaking and they come alive. Oh the horror. Hazel assures me that sprouts are only babies and cannot harm me. I will update you on our progress when the meeting has transpired. I will broach the subject of "Nerdic Walking" but I suspect it may be once again ignored.


Anonymous said...

HAHHAHAHAHA, your comment made me laugh this morning. Thank you :)

Your blog made me smile as well. HAve a great day!

Anonymous said...

Cool! Thanks SO much for commenting on my blog and for your compliments! My head got about this big: ((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))) Okay, well not really, but of course it was a little larger. =)
Thanks again! Glad you didn't abandon me =D Haha. Please pray that my first-ever Youth Group goes well tonight....

Heather said...

I love how you described your dreams about sprouts! You crack me up!